Saturday, April 11, 2009

The grass is much greener and wayyyy too high!

Okay so welcome to my blog and my life (sure, go ahead and buckle your seat belt)...

Another exciting Saturday filled with perfecting the art of procrastination, as evidenced by the fact that it's 1:30 p.m. and I've spent about the past hour creating a blog rather than paying bills, cleaning my house, or tackling my own personal "green monster", aka the overgrown lawn!

My wonderful 8-1/2 relationship to a great man (and computer technician, and lawn care specialist) ended in October of 2008, leaving me to fend for myself. And while I do fairly well with the computer equipment (though my printer drivers seem to be in a coma at the moment), I'm currently daunted by a lawn mower which refuses to awaken from its winter slumber. I'll spare you the details, mostly because recounting them would piss me off all over again. But it's not that old a mower, and yes, I do know how to work it. And for those who haven't known me all my life, I even have auto mechanics training so I'm not entirely ignorant of such matters. The fuckin' thing just doesn't want to start ... or at least, it didn't last Saturday after spending over an hour fiddling and topping off fluids and praying/swearing/sweet-talkin' to it and yanking that damned starter cable so many times that my arm nearly tore off at the shoulder.

So now it's THIS Saturday, and armed with a new spark plug (as recommended by a lovely, helpful gentleman behind me in line at the totally useless Sears Parts & Repair shop), I should be out there trying again with renewed sparkability to fire up the mower. But it's cloudy and might rain (again), and my late breakfast of oatmeal with raisins and green tea with lemon somehow glued my ass to the computer chair yet again. Which of course is where I should be paying bills, but starting a blog sounded like a whole lot more fun!

Ohhhh.... hang on, my ex Jeff is on IM.... brb

OKAY, I got some advice and the appropriate amount of sympathy from Jeff... he believes a new spark plug is the key, which makes me hopeful that I won't have to dowse the mower with gas and torch it in anger... tomorrow, that is, because right before IMing with Jeff, my new/old buddy Sherie (HS friend who recently re-emerged less than 5 miles from where I live, via Facebook) telephoned with an eerily similar lack of Saturday motivation (beating me slightly by still being in her PJs) and proposed a late lunch/early dinner at the pub where her daughter works. Of course I jumped at the invitation, mostly because Sherie's a lot of fun and an interesting, similarly single lady of my age group whose company I enjoy, but partly because doing so heightens the procrastinative nature of my total Saturday activities (or counter-activities?).

Anyway, it's great to have a girlfriend your own age in the same non-marital boat with whom you can hang. It's way more likely that she or I will meet a guy if we actually venture outside of our HOMES... not extremely likely, but since not leaving home carries NO likelihood of meeting a guy well... you get the idea :-) And hell, we probably won't meet a soul, but we sure will talk and laugh and eat and drink and commiserate and enjoy. Beats the hell out of chores!

Okay, so I photographed the overgrown lawn with my cell phone and emailed it to what's supposed to be my direct blog post address... I leave you now to sift through the tabs and settings and options to see if that photo is anywhere to be found.

Live large, people!

1 comment:

  1. your lawn is sister or brother to the mess I have lookin out my door. Seems like today was slow to get going as I didn't get out until about 15 minutes ago. It's cold and rainy here in ny and spring needs to push forward faster. Have a great holiday. I'm writing this standing at the deli counter at our local grocery store waiting to get the cheese. Say hey to Sherrie!
